
The Champion School

Uwin Education helps students to reach their potential. Sydney’s best small group HSC tutoring and one-on-one mentoring from Year 3 to 12. Our friendly and dedicated organization consist of passionate mentors whose sole purpose is to realise your potential. We work closely with our students and tailor our courses to their needs. We feel your success can be accomplished faster through a partnership between our invaluable experience and your hard work and determination.

Our Head Teachers

Mr Frank Chen

Principal, HSC Guru Experienced Teacher in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • 澳大利亚新南威士州注册高中教师,拥有超过20年教学经验,曾任职于多家公,私立高中。
  • HSC高考阅卷老师。
  • 三节课出效果,上课作业题型只针对考试,快速有效,干货满满,因此被学生们称为Frank大神。
  • 多年来辅导了上千位学生在高考里取得极优的成绩,考入了满意的大学及专业。
  • HSC ATAR估分神准,领导团队帮学生定切实大学入学目标和具体的步骡。
  • 办学方针实事求是,匠人精神,不夸大不吹嘘。自行编写了一套供所有Uwin数学,物理,化学学生使用的教学材料。
  • 教学团队总负责人,对师资质量要求严格,致力于培养优秀的教师团队,让学生和家长享受更优质有效的服务。
  • As the principal of Uwin Education and the head of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, Frank is a registered high school teacher in New South Wales, Australia with over 20 years of teaching experience in both public and private high schools across NSW.
  • As a HSC (Higher School Certificate) exam marker, Frank has helped thousands of students achieve outstanding results in the HSC exam so they were able to get into the university course they desired.
  • Frank adheres to a practical and honest approach to teaching, with a focus on craftsmanship and uses a uniquely designed set of teaching materials for all Uwin math, physics, and chemistry students.
  • Students have nicknamed the teacher “Frank the Great” due to his impressive teaching style and accurate ATAR score estimation. He assigns homework tailored specifically for assessments and exams, effectively helping students improve within just three lessons.
  • Frank serves and maintains strict requirements for tutors’ quality, committed to cultivate an excellent team to provide high-quality and effective services to students and their families, helping students set realistic goals and concrete steps towards university admission

Ms Carmen He

English, EALD 女王 | Head of English + EAL/D - for top ranking students!
  • Uwin 英文主管,拥有超过11年教学经验,帮助多名学生获得2017-2023届新州HSC高考英语 English/EALD 单科状元,榜眼 (第二名)及全州前10名好成绩 (State Rank),并有过百名学生考取州内多个名牌高中英文学科第一。
  • 在2023届HSC中,新洲EAL/D全省前60(Band 6)中有25名是她的学,其中5名获得全省前10(State Rank)的优异成绩。
  • 她的教学方法帮助千名 HSC 12年级学生在短期内得到大幅度的提高 (中下游学生从12年级初到 HSC提高30分以上),每年约83%学生在 HSC 获得 band 5 以上的好成绩, 取得 band 6 的学生率高达25%,远高于州平均水平 (3%)。
  • 对于 HSC 英语里所有的Prescribed texts都有详细独门的笔记和教材,帮助学生吃透了解课本核心内容,精准把握考点,在精心打磨后写出高分作文,让英语不再是学生拖后腿的一科!
  • With over 11 years of teaching experience, Carmen has helped many of her students achieve top results in the HSC exams for English EALD from 2017 to 2023. Her students have secured the first in course, runner-up, and other top 10 state rankings in NSW. Additionally, she has guided over a hundred students to achieve first place in the English subject at several prestigious high schools within the state.
  • In the 2023 HSC cohort, among the top 10 state rankers in NSW for EAL/D, five were her students. Moreover, out of the top 60 students (Band 6) in the state, 25 were her students.
  • Her teaching methods have significantly helped thousands of Year 11 & 12 students improve in a short period (students in the lower-middle range improved by over 30 marks from the beginning of Year12 to the HSC). Each year, about 83% of her students achieve a Band 5 or higher in the HSC, with an impressive 25% attaining Band 6, far exceeding the state average of 3%.
  • For all the Prescribed texts in HSC English, she provides detailed, unique notes and teaching materials. These resources help students thoroughly understand the core content of the textbooks and precisely grasp the examination points. Through careful refinement, students are able to write high-scoring essays, turning English from a subject that hinders their performance to one that enhances it!

Ms Angelina Ni

英语王牌讲师 (Mainstream English 大师,且 PTE, 雅思满分) | Head of English
  • 作为Uwin英语主管,Angelina老师拥有超过9年的教学经验,熟知澳洲Yr1-Yr12 Mainstream English的教学内容和体系结构。通晓各大名校的教学方针和风格偏好(例如Knox, Barker, Abbotsleigh, PLC, Ravenswood, James Ruse以及顶级公校),帮助学生取得高分。
  • 在2023届HSC中,65% 的学生在Advanced English中获得Band 6的好成绩,余下的35% 获得Band 5。在平常的班课中,在校Assessment A rank的学生占班级总人数81%
  • 除了针对本地学生,Angelina老师的双语背景也使她特别擅长帮助初到澳洲,急于融入澳洲英文环境的学生。她可以快速、准确、有力地帮助学生在短时间内实现英语成绩有质的飞跃。
  • 提供超过百套 HSC English Standard/Advanced 的真题考卷,为考生一路护航,提供全程辅导。Angelina同时是全套教材的编写人和班课主讲人,带领一个优秀的团队,为每个学生量身打造更贴身的学习计划。
  • With over 9 years of teaching experience, Angelina is well-versed in the curriculum and structural system of Australian Mainstream English from Year 1 to Year 12. She is familiar with the teaching policies and style preferences of various prestigious schools (such as Knox, Barker, Abbotsleigh, PLC, Ravenswood, James Ruse, and top public schools), helping students achieve high scores.
  • In the 2023 HSC cohort, 65% of her students achieved a Band 6 in Advanced English, with the remaining 35% obtaining Band 5. In regular class sessions, 81% of the students achieved an A rank in school assessments.
  • In addition to local students, Angelina’s bilingual background also makes her particularly adept at helping students who are new to Australia and eager to integrate into the Australian English environment. She can quickly, accurately, and effectively help students make a qualitative leap in their English proficiency in a short period.
  • She provides over a hundred sets of real HSC English Standard/Advanced exam papers, offering comprehensive guidance and support for students throughout their journey. Angelina is also the author of the complete set of teaching materials and the main lecturer for the classes, leading an excellent team to create tailored learning plans for each student.

Ms Lauren Li

商科+经济主管 Program director for Business & Economics
  • 毕业于新南威尔士大学 (UNSW)商学和教育学双学位,Lauren 有着超8年的专业的高中教学经验和对内部制度的了解,帮助无数学生在短时间内快速提高成绩。成功案例包括将一个12年级学生的成绩从年初的仅有8分提升至HSC考试的85分,以及让多位12年级学生在3-5个月的辅导内在Business Studies 和 Economics 这两门课程中增加30-40分。
  • 在2023年HSC中,有一位学生在Business Studies中获得了98的超高分,Band 6 率也高达40%,而Economics的Band 6 率也高大35%,她的所有学生都获得了Band 5及以上的好成绩。
  • Lauren 负责编写所有Business 和 Economics 课件、笔记、教材、练习题等多种教学资源,有独特的教学理念,擅长根据学生的实际情况和需求,为学生制定专属短期和长期的个性化学习计划,能够让学生更好地理解知识点,更快地掌握技能。
  • Graduating with a double degree in Commerce and Education from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Lauren has over 8 years of professional high school teaching experience and an in-depth understanding of internal systems, helping countless students rapidly improve their grades. Success stories include raising a Year 12 student’s score from just 8 at the beginning of the year to 85 in the HSC exams, and helping several Year 12 students increase their scores in Business Studies and Economics by 30-40 points within 3-5 months of tutoring.
  • In the 2023 HSC, one of her students achieved an exceptionally high score of 98 in Business Studies, 40% of her students achieved Band 6. In Economics, the Band 6 rate was also impressive at 35%, and all of her students achieved Band 5 or above.
  • Responsible for creating all commerce notes, teaching materials, and practice questions, Lauren has a unique teaching philosophy. She excels at developing personalized short-term and long-term learning plans based on each student’s actual situation and needs, enabling students to better understand concepts and quickly master skills.

Mr Yilung Chen

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Outstanding doctoral graduate and mentor of UNSW
  • UNSW数学学院博士PhD.大学学院助教。UNSW 数学系(1st ClassHonours),精算系双学位。学生评价优异,曾在大学讲课结束后,收获学生下意识的鼓掌。
  • YiLung本人一直坚信”教学就是用学生的语言”,擅长模拟学生的思路,为不同学生找到最适合的解题方法。
  • YiLung在自己求学生涯中,Yr8就开始学习Yr11化学,Yr9就开始学习Yr11物理,因此在HSC表现优异且获得当年HSC Premier’sAward。YiLung励志于帮助有志向且有兴趣的学生一起赢在人生的起跑点。
  • 曾参与澳洲CSIRO(联邦科学与工业研究组织)研究项目,与澳洲多名顶尖专业科学家合作科研,并取得显著成效。
  • Yi-Lung has a PhD in Mathematics and Statistics, a Bachelor of Mathematics (1st class honours), and a Bachelor of Commerce (Actuarial Studies) at UNSW. He has delivered successful tutorials and lecturers at UNSW. He has once received applause from students after delivering a lecture in Numerical Methods.
  • Yi-Lung believes that “to teach” is “to speak in students’ language”. Yi-Lung is an expert in simulating students’ chains of thoughts, and from there, Yi-Lung finds the approach that most suits each student.
  • Yi-Lung is excited to share his techniques in accelerated learning with enthusiastic students. (Yi-Lung himself accelerated his study during high school – he studied yr11 chemistry in year 8 and studied yr11 physics in year 9).
  • Yi-Lung is currently a Data Scientist in a healthcare data analytics firm, and a Data Analytics Lead in DatAviation Lab, UNSW a research group that focuses on sustainable aviation through data.

Mr Baiyang Hu

Senior tutor in Chemistry and Physics
  • 作为一位有着多年物理化学教学经验的老师,Baiyang辅导过数百名来自不同学校和背景的学生,其中有不少学生成为各自学校科学单科的排名第一,也有学生在奥林匹克科学竞赛中获得High Distinction & Distinction好成绩。
  • 通过Future Leaders Scheme (未来优秀领导人计划) 成功进入悉尼大学工程和科学双学位,专业课均分 High Distinction
  • 在高中担任school captain, 在学术和社区服务方面表现优异,获得了北悉尼地区议员和新南威尔士州州督的接见。(Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley ACKC)。
  • 结合自己的学习经验,为每个学生量身定制学习方法和课程模式,帮助他们快速提高成绩,实现上大学和专业的梦想。
  • Baiyang has many years of teaching experience in the field of Chemistry and Physics, and has tutored hundreds of students from top private schools to public schools, as well as students from English to Chinese backgrounds.
  • He was admitted to the University of Sydne’s Engineering and Science double degree program through the Future Leaders Scheme, and achieved high distinctions in all his major courses.
  • His personalized teaching methods and course plans have helped students improve their grades and achieve academic excellence. This includes multiple students who ranked first in science in their respective schools and students who achieved High Distinctions and Distinctions in the Olympic science competition.
  • Baiyang was a school captain, finalist for International Student of the Year 2019 and was invited to meet with the Mayor and Governor of New South Wales for his outstanding academic and community service achievements.

Ms Grace Chen

Visual Arts主管+资深英文老师 Head of Visual Arts & Senior tutor in English
  • Grace老师在新南威尔士大学(UNSW)完成了艺术设计本科学位,并以荣誉成绩获得中学教育硕士学位
  • Grace老师的艺术作品和设计项目不仅多次受邀参加重要展览,如Mosman Art Gallery,Manly GAllery and Museum以及UNSW Art and Design校展等,并且在多个场合中荣获奖项,充分展示了她在艺术领域的创造力
  • 在教学方面,Grace老师拥有丰富的经验和独到的教学方法,成功地帮助众多Visual Arts学生在HSC考试中取得了显著的进步。她不仅使100%的学生获得了Band 5及以上的成绩,而且还有超过60%的学生获得了Band 6的高分。她擅长在短时间内帮助学生理清学习思路,掌握得分技巧,从而在答题中迅速而精确地提升成绩
  • 此外,作为英文(EAL/D, English Standard & Advanced)的资深老师,Grace老师每年负责指导12年级的班课,以她的耐心、细致和深入浅出的教学方法获得了学生和家长的一致好评。在她的帮助下,许多学生的成绩实现了飞跃式的提升,众多学生更是获得了High Band 6的优异成绩
  • Grace completed her Bachelor’s degree in Art Design at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and graduated with honors in a Master’s degree in Secondary Education.
  • Her artwork and design projects have been invited to participate in several exhibitions, such as the Mosman Art Gallery, Manly Art Gallery and Museum, and the UNSW Art and Design school exhibition. She also won awards on multiple occasions, fully showcasing her creativity in the field of art.
  • In terms of teaching, Grace has extensive experience and unique teaching methods in Visual arts. She has ensured that 100% of her students received Band 5 or above, with over 60% achieving Band 6. Grace excels at clarifying students’ thought processes and mastering scoring techniques in a short period, thereby rapidly and accurately enhancing their performance in exams.

  • Additionally, as a senior teacher in English (EAL/D, English Standard & Advanced), Grace is responsible for tutoring year 12 classes each year. Her patience, meticulousness, and approachable teaching style have earned unanimous praise from students and parents alike. With her assistance, many students have seen leapfrog improvements in their grades, with numerous students achieving  exceptional results of High Band 6 in HSC English.

Luke Li

  • 澳大利亚竞赛和测试中心主席
  • 世界数学邀请赛组委会理事
  • 世界数学团体锦标赛组委会委员
  • 亚太杯数学竞赛,希望杯全球数学挑战赛,友谊杯国际数学竞赛,马来西亚国际奥林匹克数学竞赛等澳大利亚区总代理
  • 新南威尔士大学科学和工程学硕士

  • 原瑞龙学研中心和星河教育联盟主席
  • Chairman of the Australian Competition and Testing Center
  • Director of the World Mathematics Invitational Organizing Committee
  • Committee Member of the World Mathematics Team Championship Organizing Committee
  • Exclusive Australian Representative for the Asia-Pacific Mathematics Competition, Hope Cup Global Mathematics Challenge, Friendship Cup International Mathematics Competition, Malaysia International Olympiad Mathematics Competition, and more
  • Master of Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales
  • Former Chairman of Dragon Education Center and Galaxy Education Alliance

帮助数以百计的学生获得各类私校奖学金,超过85% 的学生被顶尖精英中学录取,曾连续5年实现顶尖精英中学100% 录取率,5名学生曾获得精英中学考试全洲第一名


为澳大利亚国家集训队输送了数十位优秀学员,多人入选澳大利亚IMO [International Mathematical Olympiad] 和EGMO [European Girls Mathematical Olympiad] 代表队并取得优异成绩,在其它各类国际和国内数学竞赛中获得金银铜牌的学生不计其数。

Luke has helped hundreds of students secure various private school scholarships, with over 85% gaining admission to top selective schools. He achieved a 100% admission rate for top selective schools for five consecutive years, with five students earning statewide first place in selective school exams.

Since 2011, Luke has been dedicated to training and preparing students for selective school and private school scholarship exams, as well as Olympiad mathematics competitions. Through his in-depth research and unique teaching methodologies, he has achieved exceptional results over the past decade.

Luke has contributed numerous outstanding students to Australia’s national training teams. Many of his students have been selected to represent Australia in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) and the European Girls Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO), achieving remarkable results. Countless others have earned gold, silver, and bronze medals in various national and international mathematics competitions.