Mr Alex Zhang
Alex毕业于新南威尔士大学,工学双硕士学位。以9分的高分通过雅思考试,展现了他在英语领域的卓越能力和专业知识。除了学术上的成就和多年的经验,他擅长以温和体贴的方式耐心与学生互动,理解他们的学习需求,订制精准学习计划并给予充分支持,力求短时间内提高学生成绩,也得到了学生和家长们的一致好评。 Alex graduated from UNSW with two masters degrees in Engineering. He achieved a perfect score of 9 in the IELTS exam. His expertise reflects both a solid language foundation and a deep understanding of teaching methodologies. Known for his patience, Alex interacts with students in a gentle and empathetic manner, providing them with ample […]