Mr Baiyang Hu

  • 作为一位有着多年物理化学教学经验的老师,Baiyang辅导过数百名来自不同学校和背景的学生,其中有不少学生成为各自学校科学单科的排名第一,也有学生在奥林匹克科学竞赛中获得High Distinction & Distinction好成绩
  • 通过Future Leaders Scheme (未来优秀领导人计划) 成功进入悉尼大学工程和科学双学位,专业课均分 High Distinction
  • 在高中担任school captain, 在学术和社区服务方面表现优异,获得了北悉尼地区议员和新南威尔士州州督的接见。(Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley ACKC)
  • 结合自己的学习经验,为每个学生量身定制学习方法和课程模式,帮助他们快速提高成绩,实现上大学和专业的梦想
  • Baiyang has many years of teaching experience in the field of Chemistry and Physics, and has tutored hundreds of students from top private schools to public schools, as well as students from English to Chinese backgrounds.
  • He was admitted to the University of Sydney’s Engineering and Science double degree program through the Future Leaders Scheme, and achieved high distinctions in all his major courses.
  • His personalized teaching methods and course plans have helped students improve their grades and achieve academic excellence. This includes multiple students who ranked first in science in their respective schools and students who achieved High Distinctions and Distinctions in the Olympic science competition. 
  • Baiyang was a school captain, finalist for International Student of the Year 2019 and was invited to meet with the Mayor and Governor of New South Wales for his outstanding academic and community service achievements.

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