Mr Frank Chen

  • 澳大利亚新南威士州注册高中教师,拥有超过20年教学经验,曾任职于多家公,私立高中。 
  • HSC高考阅卷老师。
  • 三节课出效果,上课作业题型只针对考试,快速有效,干货满满,因此被学生们称为Frank大神。
  • 多年来辅导了上千位学生在高考里取得极优的成绩,考入了满意的大学及专业。
  • HSC ATAR估分神准,领导团队帮学生定切实大学入学目标和具体的步骡。
  • 办学方针实事求是,匠人精神,不夸大不吹嘘。自行编写了一套供所有Uwin数学,物理,化学学生使用的教学材料。
  • 教学团队总负责人,对师资质量要求严格,致力于培养优秀的教师团队,让学生和家长享受更优质有效的服务。
  • As the principal of Uwin Education and the head of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, Frank is a registered high school teacher in New South Wales, Australia with over 20 years of teaching experience in both public and private high schools across NSW.
  • As a HSC (Higher School Certificate) exam marker, Frank has helped thousands of students achieve outstanding results in the HSC exam so they were able to get into the university course they desired. 
  • Frank adheres to a practical and honest approach to teaching, with a focus on craftsmanship and uses a uniquely designed set of teaching materials for all Uwin math, physics, and chemistry students.
  • Students have nicknamed the teacher “Frank the Great” due to his impressive teaching style and accurate ATAR score estimation. He assigns homework tailored specifically for assessments and exams, effectively helping students improve within just three lessons. 
  • Frank serves and maintains strict requirements for tutors’ quality, committed to cultivate an excellent team to provide high-quality and effective services to students and their families, helping students set realistic goals and concrete steps towards university admission 

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