Ms Grace Chen

– UNSW艺术设计本科 + UNSW中学教育硕士荣誉毕业

– 艺术作品及设计项目多次获邀参展,其中包含Mosman Art Gallery,Manly Art Gallery and Museum,UNSW Art and Design校展等并荣获奖项

– 教学经验丰富,帮助上百Visual Arts学生短期内在HSC中获得跳跃性成绩,100% 学生获得 Band 5及以上的分数,60% 以上的学生获得Band 6

– 擅长在短期内帮学生梳理VA的得分点,理清学生思路,让学生在答题技巧中快速精准答题

– 在英文上(EAL/D, English Standard & Advanced),Grace 老师每年带领12年级班课,教学耐心,细致,备受好评,学生在她的帮助下成绩实现飞跃,多名学生获得High Band 6 优异成绩 

Visual Arts主管 + 资深英文教师 


Grace老师的艺术作品和设计项目不仅多次受邀参加重要展览,如Mosman Art Gallery、Manly Art Gallery and Museum以及UNSW Art and Design校展等,并且在多个场合中荣获奖项,充分展示了她在艺术领域的创造力

在教学方面,Grace老师拥有丰富的经验和独到的教学方法,成功地帮助众多Visual Arts学生在HSC考试中取得了显著的进步。她不仅使100%的学生获得了Band 5及以上的成绩,而且还有超过60%的学生获得了Band 6的高分。她擅长在短时间内帮助学生理清学习思路,掌握得分技巧,从而在答题中迅速而精确地提升成绩。

此外,作为英文(EAL/D, English Standard & Advanced)的资深老师,Grace老师每年负责指导12年级的班课,以她的耐心、细致和深入浅出的教学方法获得了学生和家长的一致好评。在她的帮助下,许多学生的成绩实现了飞跃式的提升,众多学生更是获得了High Band 6的优异成绩

Head of Visual Arts & Senior tutor in English 

Grace completed her Bachelor’s degree in Art Design at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and graduated with honors in a Master’s degree in Secondary Education. 

Her artwork and design projects have been invited to participate in several exhibitions, such as the Mosman Art Gallery, Manly Art Gallery and Museum, and the UNSW Art and Design school exhibition. She also won awards on multiple occasions, fully showcasing her creativity in the field of art.

In terms of teaching, Grace has extensive experience and unique teaching methods in Visual arts. She has ensured that 100% of her students received Band 5 or above, with over 60% achieving Band 6. Grace excels at clarifying students’ thought processes and mastering scoring techniques in a short period, thereby rapidly and accurately enhancing their performance in exams.

Additionally, as a senior teacher in English (EAL/D, English Standard & Advanced), Grace is responsible for tutoring year 12 classes each year. Her patience, meticulousness, and approachable teaching style have earned unanimous praise from students and parents alike. With her assistance, many students have seen leapfrog improvements in their grades, with numerous students achieving  exceptional results of High Band 6 in HSC English.

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