Ms Nicole Yang

  • Nicole, with over one year of experience, specializes in English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EALD) and Visual Arts. Her teaching is fueled by a fervent passion for innovation, as she continuously explores novel and creative methods to invigorate the curriculum, thereby creating an engaging and dynamic learning experience for her students. Nicole has been recognized for her exceptional leadership and academic achievements, including being awarded the NSW International Student of the Year and achieving the status of Dux in Japanese Continuer, EAL/D, and Visual Arts at Mosman High School. Her approach to tutoring is both passionate and meticulous, emphasizing personalized attention to detail that caters to the unique needs of each student.
  • Nicole拥有一年以上的教学经验,专攻英语作为附加语言/方言(EALD)和视觉艺术。她对创新充满热情,不断探索新颖和创造性的方法来激活课程内容,为学生创造一个吸引人和充满活力的学习体验。Nicole因其卓越的领导能力和学术成就而受到认可,包括获得新南威尔士州国际学生年度奖和在Mosman高中的日语Continuers课程、EAL/D和视觉艺术中获得全校第一。她的辅导方式充满激情且注重细节,强调为每位学生的独特需求提供个性化的关注。

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